
Corporate Security/ Security Consulting

Security of personnel and property is of vital concern to businesses both here and abroad. PROEDGE GROUP is available to provide the following services to business professionals and their companies:

• Premises security analysis (home and office)
• Guard service referrals
• Privacy integrity analysis (home and office)
• Financial Fraud/Business Intelligence
• Professional License Verification
• Witnesses Interviews and Statements
• Surveying Business Operations
• Database research and document retrieval services

*Special security requests will be handled professionally and with utmost discretion.*


PROEDGE GROUP offers professional corporate consulting services related to:

• Trademark/Patent Violations
• Copyright Infringement
• Counterfeit Operations

PROEDGE GROUP is adept at obtaining data and product samples from targets which verify the breach of contract and/or counterfeit nature of goods and services being offered to the public and/or other wholesale or retail operations. Corporate Countermeasures are recommended.